Masthead for the ICC Email Newsletter The Informateur

You Didn’t Let Alex Go!

photo showing Alcyon holding MariaWhen Alex was a small boy, he lost his mother and step father due to drugs. But thankfully, he didn’t lose YOU! Read on to hear how your support made his life radically better!

Alex and several of his siblings were brought to the Las Palmas Children’s Village where they become part of the ICC family. Alex was the smallest of his siblings, and as such, he clung to Jacqueline, his house-mother. In a sense, he was “tied to his mother’s apron strings.”

This is important to note, because ever since, his house mother’s influence has played a significant role in his life. When you give your support to the children of ICC you enable house mothers like Jacqueline to become a loving, guiding force in their lives.

For Alex, this made all the difference. He thrived as he grew and matured from childhood into a young adult. Alex attended the Las Palmas school and eventually enrolled in the civil engineering course at a government university.

Even after leaving Las Palmas, Alex’s bond with Jacqueline remained strong. Like any caring mother, she continued to encourage him. During Alex’s time in university he worked for an electric company. At first, he had a good boss that was kind to him and allowed Alex to have his Saturday’s off, because this was the day he worshipped God.

In time, a new boss took over, and he refused to let Alex have Saturday’s off for worship. Furthermore, one of Alex’s responsibilities was to keep track of expenses. This new boss asked him to cheat. What would he do next? The answer was pretty simple to Alex. He quit his job.

Your investment in him would not be in vain. You had given him an opportunity to learn the values of honesty, integrity and faithfulness to God at the Las Palmas Children’s Village. These things matter to Alex, even in the face of a great sacrifice to himself, because he would have likely been hired by this company after he graduated.

Since then, Alex has obtained his civil engineering degree and is looking for work—and for reassurance. And when he needed the calm, loving support that only a mother can give where do you think he turned? Yes, that’s right, to Jacqueline his former house-mother. He contacted her and asked if he could stay with her until he finds a job.

Recently, Alex spoke about his relationship with Jacqueline. With a smile on his face he said, “She won’t let me go!” Jacqueline returned the smile and was quick with her reply, “He’s the one that won’t let me go! He calls me all the time!” The close bond they share is special. It’s enduring. It gives evidence that neither of them is going to “let go.”

This close bond also gives evidence that your investment in ICC children is worthwhile and lasting. What a blessing you’ve been to Alex. Thank you for the years of support you’ve given and for not “letting go!”

International Children's Care is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered in Vancouver, Washington, USA. We can be reached by phone at 800.422.7729 between 8 am and 5 pm Pacific Time. Our address is: 2711 NE 134th Way, Vancouver, WA. 98986. Our general email address is:

Our Privacy Policy is this: Any information you provide us is held in strictest confidence. At no time will we share you personal information with any person or organization outside of ICC.

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© Copyright June 2016
The Informateur is a publication of:
International Children's Care
P.O. Box 820610, Vancouver, WA. 98682-0013