ICC E-News Header
April 2014

A photo of the entire CAA/Vancouver SDA mission group standing on the bridge they rebuilt while volunteering at the ICC project in El Salvador

Doorknobs Bring Happiness
It’s not the thing one would expect. That such a simple household item as a doorknob would make someone happy. Yet that is just the reaction a mission group volunteering at the ICC children’s village in El Salvador received.

Find out why doorknobs bring happiness! >

A photo showing the type of rubber-coated, heavy-duty copper cable used for powerlines that transfer electricity to your home. The cable has be cut in half exposing the copper wire that makes up the core of the cable

Powerline Cables Stolen At Las Palmas
That’s right. The high-voltage powerlines feeding the Las Palmas campus in the Dominican Republic have been cut and stolen. That means that someone climbed the power pole, cut the cables and then made off with their spoils, presumably to sell the copper wire contained in the cables for scrap.

We are still puzzling as to how the thieves managed to do this without electrocuting themselves. This leaves the church and four children’s homes without power. That means no power for the fridge or lights and other appliances.

We deeply appreciate the organization Versacare helping Las Palmas by aiding us in quickly resolving this most perplexing event.

A photo of Julio with his parents and many of the children who are either living in, or formerly lived, in the González home

The Story Of Julio & Dave
The influence of the house parents on the children who are living at ICC projects cannot be measured by physical things as if you’re keeping a record of a child’s height as they grow.

You can see the culmination of the parents influence in the actions of the children. The story of Julio and Dave is a shining example of the result when parents use love as the mold to form the character of their children.

Read the story of Julio & Dave >

An illustration of a mail metal mailbox stuffed to overflowing with newly delivered mail

What’s In This Month’s Qué Pasa?
In the April 2014 Qué Pasa Alcyon Fleck has a personal message about her long-time friend, and ardent ICC supporter, Alice Schultz, who sadly passed away recently. Following is an excerpt:

“Yes, I see her as a hero, one who we can all look up to and admire—one who will certainly enjoy so much the wonderful reunion we all look forward to when we all meet together in the Kingdom of Heaven and present these rescued and restored lives to our Savior, Jesus Christ.”

You can Alcyon’s requiem and much more in the April 2014 Qué Pasa!

How would you like to get a digital copy of the April 2014 Qué Pasa? One that you can read on your computer, tablet or smart phone? Click on the following link and you’ll be able read the Qué Pasa in PDF form. Enjoy!

Download the April 2014 Qué Pasa >

ICC Logo None of this work would be possible without those who have committed their efforts to saving and changing the lives of “His Kids.” The children of ICC want to thank you from the bottom of their hearts for making a difference in their lives.

Occasionally when we call for funds for a specific need we receive more in donations than we requested. In those instances when we have received more money than we solicited, those funds will be placed in “Alcyon’s Angel Fund.”

A photo of an ICC-branded ball cap embroidered with the ICC logo

ICC’s Online Store Has Gift Items!
ICC has added new items to our online gift catalog! You can now purchase quality hats and mugs branded with the ICC logo from our online store. What better way to support “His Kids” than to get a great gift for yourself or a loved one or friend?

Plus, and most important, the children of ICC will benefit from any and all of your purchases. Please make your order from our online catalog today!

Peruse our catalog and support our kids!

An illustration of the graphic used for the button that leads to the videos page on the ICC website

Watch ICC Videos On Our Website
You may now view a number of ICC's videos on our website. So please take a few minutes and watch one, or several, of our videos!

Enjoy our videos on our website >

An illustration of the Facebook and Wordpress logos

ICC Engages In Social Media
ICC has both a Facebook page and a blog. We would really appreciate your ‘Liking’ our Facebook page and becoming a regular reader of our blog. You may also subscribe to our blog through an RSS feed. The following links will take you to the appropriate online destinations.

fb icon Please ‘Like’ our Facebook page! >

rss icon Please subscribe to our blog >

International Children's Care is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered in Vancouver, Washington, USA. We can be reached by phone at 800.422.7729 between 8 am and 5 pm Pacific Time. Our address is: 2711 NE 134th Way, Vancouver, WA. 98986. Our general email address is: info@forhiskids.org.

Our Privacy Policy is this: Any information you provide us is held in strictest confidence. At no time will we share you personal information with any person or organization outside of ICC.

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© Copyright April 2014
The Informateur is a publication of:
International Children's Care
P.O. Box 820610, Vancouver, WA. 98682-0013

This link will take you to the video section of ICC's website. This link will take you to the ICC online gift catalog